The Lynx Project covers a late alkaline ultramafic igneous intrusive plug covering an estimated area of 6km x 2km based on recent government geological mapping and airborne geophysical data. Sporadic outcropping exposures of the intrusive plug shows a coarse grained diopside-apatite-biotite mineralogy with minor amounts of carbonate, and titanite. Rare earth assay results from both government geologists and the optionor of the project returned consistently significant values including up to 4925 PPM of Total Rare Earth Oxides (TREO) with NdPr/TREO ratios of up to 0.3. In addition, pegmatite dykes near the intrusive have returned up to 3.85% TREO. The project has received no previous work apart from government mapping and sampling.
The 2024 exploration budget is under evaluation.